African Tanzanite Safari

Our Vision, Mission & Core Values

Our Vision

 To be a leading illustration of a stint driver demonstrating sustainable tourism in Africa, by offering the stylish and a wider range of unique stint and expand our visibility on the web.

Our Mission 

 African Tanzanite Safari, strive to give a unique stint experience for everybody in a sustainable, honest, transparent way and passion for making new places fun and accessible to anyone.

 Our Core Values

 Whether you come into contact with us as a client or as a supplier, what can you anticipate from us in terms of station and geste? (What characterizes African Tanzanite Safari? The following core values apply to African Tanzanite Safari;

  • Sustainable tourism

African Tanzanite Safari conducts business in a sustainable way. We also take into account the interest of the original people, save the artistic heritage, we take care of our terrain and fastening economically on long term results and fair profitable fair practices.


  • Honesty

African Tanzanite Safari works with honest workers, with honest, fair and competitive request prices. We strive to demonstrate honest geste towards our terrain (guests, suppliers and other parties who we conduct business with).


  • Transparency

African Tanzanite Safari strive to be clear in our tour packages and services provided.


  • Quality

Guests come in the first time, African Tanzanite Safari strive for an optimal service position in order to get the guests stylish value for his stint. To achieve this, we look for the stylish people and drivers involved in our business and we design our services and products in the stylish way.

  • Particular

African Tanzanite Safari, like to give knitter made advice as every person is different with different wishes. It means particular commitment, aimed on establishing a temporarily, particular bond which enables us to really help you to get the stylish value for your stint.

  • Professional

We, African Tanzanite Safari, take our business veritably serious. It means our platoon geste is correct, objective, balanced, effective and dependable. We’re down to earth in the way we conduct our business professionally.