African Tanzanite Safari

Volunteering Programs and Activities

These are non-profit programs or activities, in which the organization supports the local community in different ways either direct or indirect ways. One of the programs is volunteering. This program will last for four weeks, eight weeks, and twelve weeks program. The volunteer may choose to extend to eight weeks program if the need arises or more than eight weeks which is twelve weeks. While in the volunteering program will have to do some other tour activities based on his or her preference. The program is not fixed still flexible to other programs.

Education Volunteer

1-4 weeks;
School teaching Teaching and doing some other school program. Secondary school or primary school in our village-

Subject to teach:
English, Geography, Civics, Mathematics, and IT. Computer knowledge, Chemistry, physics, etc, or based on preference and personal choice. The place to stay is at our homestay.

Orphanage Volunteer

1-4 weeks;

Work at the orphanage center working voluntarily work in a village orphanage. A place to stay at a homestay of your choice.

Hospital Volunteer

1-4 weeks; 

Work with Hospitals or with People with Disabilities. Voluntary work at one of the hospitals or people with disabilities in the village place to stay on homestay.

Orphanages, Schools, Hospitals, and Farms

1-12 Weeks;

Work with orphanages, schools, and hospitals. Farms, dairy farms and coffee plantations, Artificial Insemination centers, Swahili Learning institutions, Museums and historical sites, networking and fixing different locations on the map Google map. Environmental conservation program.

Wastes collection and proper disposal. Volunteering in orphanage centers, hospital interns, work experience in a dairy farm and coffee plantations, artificial insemination center, work and learning Swahili locally at known institutions.

Voluntary work on adding a location on Google Maps. Tree planting program and waste collection in villages and proper disposal sites.